Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Losing somebody ? What Is it ? How is it ? 

Is it different for single people then for combined people? 

Most think losing somebody is just the part when you lose them, but it changes especially when you don't have a family and you are still on you're own, it changes you're life completely, a transition a roller coaster of emotions, if I had to put it in words it is the root of all pain it is the source, it's like a 2 edged sword into you're stomach or a hook being torn out a black hole inside of you.

As comforting as simply saying you'll see them soon again, it doesn't exactly cover up the fact that you want them back, to some it happened and it's time to move on but for others it dug deeper and will take longer to heal

One of the hardest moments of losing a person is seeing the hurt and struggle of this around you that are experiencing as great of pain or greater this leaving enough weight as in its own

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