Tuesday, January 8, 2013

well i feel God was telling me to right this note.

and people whatever sin you may have whatever thoughts pull you down don't listen to it. and don't even say your not worth it cause think why did are king take the time if your not worth it ?. you are worth it all no matter what fault !.

and don't listen to the world does not matter what size strengh race hieght looks. there will be always some one or something that turns that down. don't put your eyes on the world but put them on God. and the purpose he has givin you be glad that he picked you for what is to come don't fall into the trap the devil lays out.

any one who reads this and needs saved send me a messege stop waiting stop asking him or her if you should make your own decision don't let the world choose who you are what you have and what you believe come out and stand up. Jesus loves you and wants you to be free!

most people say God is made up of the world and the will not listen to it !.  but what about the things the world tells you all the time and you listen. like do this watch this. play this listen to this. if you look at it from a view in truth we all listen to the world and don't see the picture and yes you haft to respect the world and whats in it but. don't mean everything it tells you is true or ok !

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